Sisulizer Enterprise-Edition v1.6.14 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/俄文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文 多語言企業版(翻譯的軟體)
進行本地化:掃瞄應用程式和定位文本; 使用 Sisulizer可視化編輯工具翻譯文本;創建
Sisulizer is the next generation in software localization
Localize Your Software & Increase Your Revenue. When you
localize your applications and make them available in new
languages, you open new markets and new revenue streams.
Sisulizer lets you increase profits by making it easy to
offer your software in multiple languages.
Don't give translators access to your source code. With
Sisulizer, you can provide your translation team with the
information they need, without making them wade through
complicated programming code, and without giving up
control of your source code
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition v2008.274 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文/俄文 多語言企業版(翻譯軟體)
Sisulizer v2008 270 Enterprise Edition 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文/俄文 多語言企業版(軟體本地化的軟體)
Sisulizer v1.6.20 Enterprise Edition Multilanguage 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文/俄文 多語言企業版(翻譯軟體)
Sisulizer v2008 271 Enterprise Edition 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文/俄文 多語言企業版(可視化編輯工具/翻譯文本/創建本地化軟體版本的軟體)
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition v2008.273 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/芬蘭文/法文/日文/波蘭文/俄文 多語言企業版(可視化編輯工具/翻譯文本/軟體)
Sisulizer Enterprise-Edition v1.6 繁體中文/簡體中文/德語/芬蘭語/法語/日語/波蘭語/俄語/英文 多國語言版(翻譯軟體)
Sisulizer v1.6.11 Enterprise Edition 繁體中文/簡體中文/德語/芬蘭語/法語/日語/波蘭語/俄語/英文 多國語言企業版(翻譯軟體)